Congratulations on becoming a Course Rep and welcome to your course representation handbook! On this page you'll find all the information you need to equip you for the role.

Role Description

Course reps represent their course and their peers. They collect and provide feedback from students on their course and attend School Forums and other meetings to discuss this feedback and identify how the student experience can be improved. Course Reps are required to engage with training and guidance provided by the Students’ Union (see below for more details).

An outline of what you can expect from being a Course Rep can be found in the Student Representative Volunteer Agreement.

Role of the Students' Union

The Students’ Union (SU) oversees academic representation, working in collaboration with the University. The SU maintain a course rep register and coordinates the annual induction training for Course Reps, which takes place early in the academic year. They communicate regularly through several platforms, facilitate the School Forums, host a Course Rep Conference, and support Course reps throughout their role. Communication methods include Microsoft Teams and email, where a ‘Course Rep Round Up’ email is sent monthly containing key information for sharing with peers.

Role of the University

The University commits to a fair, transparent, and timely selection process for appointing Course Reps, following the University guidance. It promotes opportunities for engagement at various levels and supports Course Reps in their duties.

Representation Structure in the SU

Course reps are part of a larger structure within the Students’ Union, informing the work undertaken by the SU Officer Team, notably the Academic Experience Officer. The input and comments from Course Reps highlight key issues that can be escalated for higher-level discussions with the university’s Senior Management, thus facilitating change.

Engaging with the “Have Your Say” platform is encouraged to vocalize ideas and garner support for change in the university environment. Ideas with over 50 engagements are discussed in the “Have Your Say Forum” to outline how the SU can help realize them.

Induction and Ongoing Development Opportunities

LBSU organizes mandatory induction training for all Course Reps, emphasizing the dissemination of essential information regarding their roles. Besides, throughout the year, Course Reps can avail of various skill development opportunities that are pertinent to their roles and beneficial for future employment.

Support and Key Contacts

A range of support is available to aid Course Reps in efficiently fulfilling their roles, ensuring they remain comfortable and confident.

  • LBSU Student Voice & Insight Team - Supporting in training and organizing School Forums, reachable at
  • LBSU Academic Experience Officer – Available for support on course-related issues and present at all School Forums.
  • LBSU Academic Rep Assistants - Representing each school and working within the LBSU Student Voice & Insight team, these assistants can be reached at:
  • Course Director and Module Leaders – Primary contacts for resolving course-related issues, details available in the Course Handbook.
  • Academic Librarians – For support with accessing resources and information on learning sessions and other library workshops.
  • LBSU Advice Service – Offering free, impartial, and confidential advice on academic issues, finance, and housing.
  • Student Services – Catering to various student needs including disability services, career guidance, wellbeing, and financial advice.


Course Reps can guide students to appropriate services for issues outside their expertise, utilizing the support structures mentioned above or seeking advice from the Student Voice & Insight Team.

Meetings, Forums & Committees

Course Reps participate in several meetings to collect and discuss student feedback. These include course team meetings, School Forums (held twice a year), and the “Have Your Say Forum”.

At the School Forums, Course Reps can discuss the responses from the School to the feedback submitted, enabling collaborative work to improve the student experience. Forums are crucial in nurturing communication and working to fulfill the ideas presented on the “Have Your Say” platform.

Course Rep Induction