Welcome to the Public Relations and Journalism Students' Community!

We are dedicated to helping conenct students professional opportunities such as networking, events, pitch competitions, etc. Check this page and our social media pages to learn about our upcoming events. As a community, we are also a resource for students and may be able to help answer any questions, connect you with job opportunities and be a support throughout your course.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestion please don't hesitate to reach out President Sound Ritzman at s.ritzman2643@student.leedsbeckett.ac.uk . If you would like to be involved with the leadership of your community, please get in touch by sending us an email at: communityorganising@leedsbeckett.ac.uk

All students on the following courses are automatically enrolled as part of this academic community. However, if you’d like to join the community from another course, you can register as an associate member!

if you would like to join the community from another course, you can be an associate member. The courses that are represented here are:

  • BA (Hons) / MSc Journalism
  • BA (Hons) / MSc Sports Journalism
  • MSc Corporate Communications
  • MA International Communication
  • MA Public Relations & Strategic Communication
  • Professional PR Diploma

We’re so excited for you to get involved and can’t wait to welcome you to your community on campus!

For updates don't forget to follow our social media pages!

2025 CommsCon
7th-8th April
2025 CommsCon: Bridging Talent & Industry - from personal branding to professional breakthrough Come for two days of fantastic speakers, a networking workshop & a pitch competition!
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