Hello and welcome to the Nutrition and Dietetic Society at Leeds Beckett University.

The society aims to promote and raise awareness of the nutrition and dietetic profession by hosting exciting events and experiences which will benefit you both personally and professionally. We have built a community of people who are passionate about nutrition. 

Everyone is welcome to join regardless of whether you are a nutrition or dietetic student. 

Feel free to contact us at lbunutritionanddieteticsoc@gmail.com or on our social media pages if you have any questions or wish to share any requests for potential events.

Instagram: @LBUDieteticssoc

Twitter: @lbunutritionanddieteticssoc

Nutrition and Dietetics Society Election 2024

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

Nutrition and Dietetics Society Election 2023

3 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

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