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What to do before signing a tenancy agreement


When you sign a contract to rent a student property you are entering a legally binding agreement, so it’s important you don’t rush to do it and that you know exactly what you are signing up to. 

Before you sign a tenancy agreement the best thing to do is view the property! Where possible always view the property in person or by video call. In person is preferable so you can look at the property in more detail, but if you’re overseas or unable to do that, make sure you’ve at least seen the property virtually. Most agents and landlords will be happy to do a viewing via video call or WhatsApp.

Do not sign a contract if you’re not happy with the terms or there are any aspects of the agreement you don’t understand. Get it checked.

Leeds Beckett Students’ Union Advice Centre can check your tenancy agreement for you before you sign it. They’ll be able to advise you if anything doesn’t look right and will be able to answer any questions you may have about the contract. You are also entitled to ask the landlord/letting agent about anything you need clarifying and shouldn’t feel pressured into signing anything you don’t understand or are unhappy with.

Once signed, you are legally bound.

You do not get a chance to change your mind once you’ve signed the contract; if you sign a fixed term contract (which most student landlords use) you are liable for the rent for the duration of the tenancy contract length. So be 100% sure before you do it!

What if I want to leave the contract early?

You must first check your contract. If there is a clause allowing you to give notice to quit, then, providing proper notice is given, you could move out. If you have signed a fixed term agreement with no such clause then you remain liable for the rent and need to find a replacement tenant.

Do not make any payments until you have seen a copy of the tenancy agreement.

You should always be given a signed copy of the tenancy agreement to keep for yourself so you can refer to it at any point. Landlords/agents should never ask you to pay anything prior to seeing this.

Do not pay a deposit or rent in cash.

Use the bank transfer method. If you have to use cash ensure you get a receipt as proof of payment. By law, all deposits must be protected by the landlord in an approved scheme (usually DPS or TPS).

If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please get in touch with Leeds Beckett Students' Union advice service by filling out the form on their website, or contact Unipol, who will be happy to help! 
