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Statement on Graduate Visas

Following the government's announcement, read our statement on the graduate visa.


Following the publication of the MAC report on Graduate visas, the government has announced that the Graduate visa will remain unchanged, and no new restrictions to the visa will be applied.  

The MAC report found that there was no evidence for widespread abuse of the Graduate visa and recommended that the route remain unchanged. You can read more about the report’s findings here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp9ggmk1zgko or https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/graduate-route-rapid-review/letter-to-the-home-secretary-on-the-rapid-review-of-the-graduate-route-accessible  

This is a huge win for all the students and universities who campaigned, petitioned, and wrote to the Prime Minister to urge the government to keep the Graduate Visa both for the benefit of international students seeking to gain work experience after their degrees and higher education institutions across the country.  

While the visa itself will remain unchanged, there have been a series of new rules and restrictions announced. These include placing tighter restrictions on recruitment agents, raising financial maintenance requirements for students applying for new student visas, restricting remote teaching for international students and reviewing English requirements. You can read more about the government’s response here.

?Leeds Beckett Students’ Union is working closely with the University to monitor the situation and make sure adequate support is in place.?? 

Leeds Beckett Students’ Union will continue to work with both our students and other students’ unions around the country to raise the concerns of international students and lobby for policies in their best interest.?? 

Can I still apply for a post-study Graduate Visa??? 

No changes have been proposed or announced to the Graduate Visa. This visa is still available to students following the successful completion of their BA, MA and PhD courses at recognised Higher Education Institutes.?? 

If you have any questions about your eligibility for the Graduate Visa or other queries about your student visa, you can get in touch with the University’s International Team. You can find more information on International Student Support on the University’s webpage

For more support and advice, you can get in touch with the Students’ Union Advice Service here. They offer confidential and independent advice on a range of topics, including academic, financial and housing advice.?? 
