Hey everyone! Here is a summary of what I've been up to since I commenced the role of Welfare Officer in July 2022!
Hey everyone!

It's been a busy first term and I have been making progress on my objectives, as well as joining many conversations and projects focusing on the student experience at Leeds Beckett University.
Here is a summary of what I've been up to since I commenced the role of Welfare Officer in July 2022:
- I have attended and contributed to many boards and committees, including the University Board of Governors. I have brought forward the student voice, particularly on issues such as the cost of living and student housing.
- As a Unipol trustee, I co-hosted the Rate Your Landlord Awards, house-hunting webinars, and events such as Widen Your Circle to find new flatmates.
- Gave out some lovely plants at LBU halls of residences!
- I completed the Lessons from Auschwitz Project by the Holocaust Educational Trust. I went to Poland to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. I learned about the history of the Holocaust, antisemitism, and how we can support our Jewish student community.
- I attended the Annual Race Lecture, discussing decolonising the workplace, education, and health and social care. With was an empowering conversation that will help to advance race equity in our institution.
- I am the lead officer for our Leeds Beckett Black Liberation campaign, and I am currently planning more events for this campaign for semester two.
- Last month, I chaired our Student Members' Meeting during the Have Your Say Forum.
- I have been making progress on my objectives, including building a wellbeing hub on the Leeds Beckett SU to help signpost students to helpful wellbeing resources.
See you in semester two!
Ashleigh x