Our Student Communities exist to empower different communities of students to self-organise and make decision on the topics that matter most to them. Each Student Community elects a Convenor, whose role it is to lead and coordinate the work of the Community, helping to facilitate discussion and to act as the key point of contact to work closely with the Students’ Union’s full-time Officers and staff.
Our Student Communities exist to empower different communities of students to self-organise and make decision on the topics that matter most to them. Each Student Community elects a Convenor, whose role it is to lead and coordinate the work of the Community, helping to facilitate discussion and to act as the key point of contact to work closely with the Students’ Union’s full-time Officers and staff. The results are as follows:

Yara Vizinho
Women's Convenor
Vote share received: 83.3%

Eve Walters
LGB+ Students' Convenor
Vote share received: 100%

Natalie Lennox
Disabled Students' Convenor
Vote share received: 66.6%

Deep Padmani
International Students' Convenor
Vote share received: 75%

Leanne Speight
Student Parents & Carers Convenor
Vote share received: 100%

Lara Rose
Black, Asian, Minoritised Ethnicity Students' Convenor
Vote share received: 54.5%
Note: A by-election will be held in October 2021 to elect a Trans Students’ Convenor.
Postgraduate Research Representatives
Postgraduate research students in each School elect a representative each year to communicate student feedback and any issues or concerns from the postgraduate research students within the School. The results are as follows:

Balaraba John
PGR Rep - Carnegie School of Education
Vote share received: 100%

Cameron Stockwell
PGR Rep - School of Health
Vote share received: 91.6%

Ama Samaradheera
PGR Rep - School of Events, Tourism & Hospitality Management
Vote share received: 100%

Melody Blackmore
PGR Rep - Leeds School of Arts
Vote share received: 100%
Note: In the election for PGR Rep (Leeds Business School) students voted to re-open the nominations.
A by-election will be held in October 2021 to elect PGR Reps in all remaining Schools.
Congratulations to our new Convenors and Reps! ??