Your Students' Union is changing! We launched a brand-new strategy that is genuinely student-focused and represents the wants and needs of our students!
We are building on the traditions of students' unions while drawing from the innovations of new social movements and the strength of community organising. Students' unions have a strong track record of advocating for students and have always fought for better academic, housing and wellbeing conditions for their members. By putting community organising at the centre of everything that we do, we are hoping to create a more impactful and connected union. We're excited to continue working with organisations like Citizens UK on implementing this new approach and to support the campaigns that impact our students on and off campus. To find out more about our ongoing policy and campaigning work, like our efforts to improve public transport for students in Leeds, head over to our Community Organising webpage here.
This new strategic framework is the result of lots of research, discussion, and consideration over the past few years including listening work, focus groups, reviews and audits. We want to make LBSU accessible to all students by creating more opportunities to get involved and ensuring every student community at Beckett has democratic power to shape our priorities.