Come along to the Student Assembly where we will be reviewing out current campaigns and putting students' asks to key powerholders.
Join us for our second Student Assembly of the year!
At this assembly, students will be updating on the three priority campaigns from the Students' Union, as decided by students following the December Students' Assembly. These are:
We'll also be putting students' asks to key powerholders to engage with them in changemaking at Leeds Beckett, putting students' experiences at the centre of everything that happens.
There's still time to get involved with the campaigns, too! Just click the links above to head to the campaign pages where you can join and become part of the team. This could be through providing your own stories, getting involved with engagement and campaign events, or just keeping up to date with everything that is going on.
The Student Assembly will get going with a live performance from Leeds Beckett students to get us in the mood to make change. We will then hear from students about their experiences around our campaign areas, and ask powerholders to work with us on specific asks from each campaign.
Make sure to book your place and bring some friends along. Remember: there's power in our union!