Film Night - Showing Elf

Tuesday 05 December 2023

5pm - 7pm

The Hive, City Campus

Join LBSU for the Festive Union Movie Night!

We will be showing Elf. This Christmas classic stars Will Ferrell in one of his all time classic films. Please arrive at 5pm sharp to ensure you don't miss the start of the movie.

Run time: 1 hour 36 mins



Transport links

The Hive is located 3min walk from Merrion Centre which has regular buses to Headingley Campus.

The train station is a 15min walk through the City Centre. The most direct route will take you down Park Row which has multiple busy bars and restaurants.

The bus station is a 18min walk through a well-lit City Centre. The most direct route will take you down Woodhouse Lane, the Headrow and then onto Duke Street which will go pass multiple bars, shops and restaurants.

Admission to an event is at all times subject to any terms, conditions or rules of the Promoter and the venue operator. You must also adhere to the Promoter or venue operator’s specific terms of entry. If you do not comply with any Promoter or venue terms, conditions or rules then the Promoter or venue operator may refuse admission or require you or other ticket holders to leave the venue and you will not be entitled to a refund.

This event is organised by:
Leeds Beckett Students' Union