Documentary Screening of "The 8th" with LBSU Women's Community
You are invited to attend our free screening of "The 8th" at The Hive, City Campus on Monday 7 February 2022, hosted by our Women's Community Convenor. Come along to this event to learn more about the movement, meet other students and enjoy some free pizza!
The 8th follows Ireland's campaign to remove the 8th Amendment – a constitutional ban on abortion. The documentary film tells the story of Irish women and their fight to overturn one of the most restrictive laws on abortion in the world. Here at the Students' Union we believe that access to safe reproductive healthcare is a fundamental human right, and students should always be entitled to make decisions about their own bodies that could affect their university experience, and so following student approval we have adopted a pro-choice stance that believes in access to free, safe and accessible abortions. You can view the trailer of the film here:
The event starts at 18:30 and the film will start at 18:45 (running time 1hour 35mins).
This event is open to Leeds Beckett students and is hosted by the Women's Community Convenor on behalf of the women's community. If you would like to join our Women's Community group to get updates and meet others in the community you can do so on the website here:
If you have any questions about the event please contact us at
Due to the subject matter of the film, some viewers may find the content triggering or upsetting - if you have any questions about the subject matter please ask us, and if you do not feel comfortable attending that is fine and we look forward to welcoming you at a future event.