Candidate Hub

Welcome to the Leadership Elections Candidate Hub

Thank you for nominating yourself in the 2025 Leadership Election!
This is your Candidate Hub with all the key information you'll need during your preparation and campaigning.

Make sure to read all the content on this page.

Key Dates

  • Friday 14 February at 15:00 - Nominations Close
  • Tuesday 18 February - Candidate Briefings
    (You must attend ONE of these)
    - 12:00 - Lecture Theatre A, Rose Bowl, City Campus
    - 17:00 - Online - Link sent to you via email 
  • Monday 17 February - Friday 7 March
    Training and preparation for the election, including a manifesto development meeting with a staff member
  • Wednesday 19 Feburary at 13:00
    International Candidate Information Session
    City Campus, Rosebowl, Lecture Theatre G (CC RB546)
  • Monday 24 February at 14:30
    Running an Effective Election Campaign Training
    Online via Microsoft Teams 
  • Tuesday 25 February at 13:00
    Running an Effective Election Campaign Training
    City Campus, Rosebowl, Lecture Theatre E (CC RB539)
  • Friday 28 February at 15:00 - Deadline to submit:
    - Trustee Declaration Form (Mandatory)
    - Candidate Declaration Form Full-time Officers Only (Mandatory)
    - Candidate Declaration Form Part-time School Officers Only (Mandatory)
    - Equality & Access Form
    - Photograph (on your election profile)
    - Manifesto / Election Statement (on your election profile)
    - Poster and video (use this form to submit them)
  • Tuesday 4 March at 17:00
  • Candidate Speed-Friending
    City Campus, The Hive, Stage 2
  • Monday 10 March from 12pm - Start Putting Up Campaign Materials
  • Tuesday 11 March at 09:00 - Voting Opens
  • Wednesday 12 March at 17:00 - Voting Closes
  • Wednesday 12 March at 18:00 - deadline to submit complaints
  • Friday 14 March at 16:30 - Elections results announcement in The Hive

Documents and Forms For Candidates

Below you'll find forms, links and documents that you'll need during the Leadership Elections. Make sure you have a look at them regularly.

Important Forms 
Register A Concern Form

Click here to register a concern with us.

Trustee Declaration Form

Click here to access the Trustee Declaration Form.

Equality & Access Form

Click here to access the Equality & Access Form.

Rules & Important Documents &
Rules and Regulations

Click here to access the Leadership Elections Rules and Regulations.

(Updated February 2025)

Candidate Declaration Forms

Please complete the form relevent to the role you have nominated yourself for, by 3pm on Friday 28 February.

Click here to complete the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Candidate Declaration Form.

Click here to complete the School Officer Candiate Declaration Form.

Candidate Briefing Slides

Click here to access the Candidate Briefing slides from the briefings that took place on 18 February 2025.

Candidate Campaign Expenses

Please use the following online form to declare your campaign expendature and to request reimbursement. Click here.

Campaign Team Registration

Please use the following online form to register details of your campaign team. Click here. Everyone in your campaign team will need to wear our official lanyards while campaigning. We will share the collection details with you shortly.

International Student Guidance

The following information is taken from the UKCISA guidance available on their website and provides information if you have Student or Tier 4 permission, and you want to stand for election as a Students' Union Sabbatical Officer. Click here to access the Leadership Elections International Student Guidance.

(Updated January 2025)

Digital Media Training

A big part of campaigning now is to be visible online and engage with our students remotely as well as on campus! Click here to access a digital marketing training containing useful information and tips to help you run successful campaigns online.

In this guide, we included info about Canva, a tool to easily design your poster and assets that we recommend using. Click here to learn how to use it.

Poster & Postering Guidance

If you wish to have posters printed for you to put up on the approved postering locations around campus. Design your own A4 poster using Canva, Adobe, or any other platforms that you like, and submit it using this form before 3pm on Friday 28 February:

We will print your posters for you and you'll be able to collect them at our Welcome Desk in the Portland Building during working hours on Monday 10 March. You should only put them up on the approved poster sites identified in the Postering Guidance section on the Candidate Hub on our website.

Your poster should be unique and include this info:

1- your name

2- the role that you are campaigning for

3- your key manifesto pledges

4- elements that showcase your personality

Click here to access more instructions about postering on campus.

Campaign Video Guidance

From Tuesday 18 February, you are allowed to start campaigning online. To do this you are encouraged to create video content to share on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and WhatsApp. Check out our digital media training if you're not sure how to do this yourself.

If you wish to have a video published on your official candidate webpage on the Students' Union website, create and edit a video (1-2mins max) in a landscape format (sideways) and submit it before 3pm on Friday 28 February as an MP4 file using this form:

We will then upload it to the LBSU's YouTube channel before voting week and add it to your candidate webpage. In the video, answer these questions: 

  1. What is your name?
  2. What role are you standing for?
  3. Why are you running in the Leadership Elections?
  4. What are your thoughts and ideas about the campaign priorities of the SU?
Embedding Equality and Inclusion into your campaign

What is equality, equity, diversity and inclusion (EEDI) and how can you embed this into your manifesto and elections campaign? Read this document to learn more about this.

Candidate Insight Briefs

You may use the following data about the Leeds Beckett student body to support you with your campagin ideas. To read more, click here.

You may also find the following video briefing helpful, which has been provided by staff at WonkHE to give candidates an overview of the Higher Education sector in the UK. To watch the video recording, click here.

Signposting Students to Support

Please refer to this document to signpost students to any relevent support including school-based wellbeing practitioners, academic librarians, Support Report Respect, the SU Support Team, Disability Advice and Skills for Learning. Signposting to support

Please refer to this document for information about the Students' Union Advice Service. Our advice service


Candidate Wellbeing Support

You may speak with a University wellbeing practitioner if you would like to access wellbeing support as a candidate in the leadership elections. You can find further info and self-refer to an appointment at this link.


Candidate Employability Support

Check back later to find information on how we can support you with your employability aspirations following the leadership elections.


Candidate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Check out the candidate FAQs here.


If you have any questions about the roles or the elections, please contact us.
