Student Activities Booking Form

Student Communities or Societies holding events/activities that require a space booking or require funding from the SU or require a unique risk assessment or include an external speaker will need to complete the Student Activities Booking Form at least 15 working days prior to the date of your event/activity

Student Activities Booking Form

Documentation referred to in the Student Activities Booking Form

Some activities are considered to be part of LBSU's Standard Operating Procedures and do not require a unique risk assessment to be submitted. This document provides a brief overview to help you decide whether you need to submit a unique risk assessment.

Activities requiring a unique risk assessment

The following information sheet will help you to answer the questions when submitting your risk assessment

Risk Assessment Information Sheet

The following checklist will help you to check your electrical equipment for defects

Electrical Equipment Visual User Checklist

The following provides a list of equipment available to use in Students' Union spaces

Equipment Available in SU Spaces

External Speaker Terms & Conditions

External Speaker Terms & Conditions

Student Community Development Fund Guidelines

Student Community Development Fund Guidelines

Planning a small event

Running a small scale event couldn’t be easier and should be used with the Events Handbook

A small scale event such as a meet up or social in the Hive or Leeds can be completed in 5 steps and just over 3 weeks.

  • 3 weeks before - Book your space – check out the Toolbox to book SU Spaces.
  • 3 weeks before - Complete your Risk Assessment – your event will not be approved without this.
  • 2 weeks before - Promote the Event – As soon as your event is approved by the SU, advertise it for free on the your SU webpage and your social media.
  • On the Day - Attend your Event – Go and enjoy it!
  • 3 days after - Review the event and plan the next one – A few days after ensure you take time to review what went well and what didn’t so you know where to improve for your next one.

Useful Info

Grant funding is available and can be found on the Society Toolbox under Finance. Applications can take 14 working days to be processed.

The SU website can host tickets for your event and any money made is 100% yours and goes back in your Society Deposit Account! For you to spend on your society.

These timelines are used as a guidance and each event is different meaning more information may be required of you, please allow more time than less to avoid disappointment.


How to post an event on the website

Wondering how to post your upcoming event to the website? It's free so there is no reason not to.


Stock images for your events

The right image can really help your event stand out from the crowd. Here are a few free stock image sites you could use.

Unsplash Pexels Pixabay

External Speaker Agreement Form

External speakers will be required to complete the External Speaker Form. This must be completed at least 15 working days before the event.

Please note: this is not the External Speaker Request Form which forms part of the Student Activities Booking Form. Please submit your External Speaker Request prior to inviting your speaker to complete the form.

External Speaker Agreement Form

Report an Accident, Incident or Dangerous Occurrence

If you have had any accidents, incidents or injuries that occurred during your event or activity please complete this form and inform us as soon as possible.

Report an incident

Pizza Order Form

If you have an event booked with us you can use this form to order Dominos at a discount!

Pizza Form

Personal Accident Cover

If you are an officially recognised LBSU student group, you and your members are covered by the Union's Personal Accident Cover. Please click on the button to see a summary of what is covered.

If you require the full document please email

Accident Cover Summary

Student Community Development Fund

The Student Community Development Fund is available to approved student groups to bid for funding for their events, activities and initiatives.

Student Activities Booking Form

Student Community Development Fund Guidelines

Payment Requests

All payments or reimbursements can be made through the Student Groups Finance (SGF) System which can be found on your Student Group Admin Tools. Below is a short video of how to access and use SGF.

Please note you must have the funds available to be reimbursed from either your Deposit or Grant Account.

Accessing and Using SGF

Your Accounts And Understanding Them

You can view your Financial Accounts here

As a Community or Society you have two accounts which are looked after for you by the SU.

Deposit – This account holds money that you have acquired or raised as a student group through activity including membership fees, ticket sales for an event or merchandise sales. This money is unrestricted and can be spent on things that will benefit your members and can also help cover cost of deposits for End of Year parties. Funds in this account roll over year to year.

If you want to understand how much is in your account please email

All student group funds must be held by the SU. External bank accounts are prohibuted and could result in the closure of your society. Please contact to arrange transferring funds into your account.

Grant – This account holds money which has been applied for through the Student Community Development Fund. The money in this account can only be spent on what it has been applied for and must be applied for before spending (no retrospective applications). Funds in this account are recouped one month after your event is completed.

Leaders' Basic Training

This is compulsory training which must be completed by all student leaders and society committees.

Please ensure you fill out the completion form at the end and receive a confirmation email otherwise you will not appear on the system.

Start Leaders' Basic Training

Social Media

Are you looking at improving your online engagement and how to reach out to your members through social media? Check out this detailed video about social media platforms and how.

Social Media Tips for Student Communities

Beckett Careers

Watch this detailed talk about how Beckett Careers can help support your Student Community and ensure the work you do doesn’t go unnoticed by future employers.


These handbooks are designed to help you understand the roles and responsibilities and provide support to you and your members. If you have any suggestions for new handbooks or how to improve existing ones please get in touch.

Contact Us

Handover Guidance

Events Handbook

Events Planning

Event Ideas

Event Ideas

Committee Roles

Committee Roles


Need some help with something? Drop us an email!

Contact Us