End of year Ball and Events Guidance
It’s come to our attention that events are be planned earlier than usual this year, and venues may be reaching out to you directly with deals. If you are thinking of organising an end of year ball we have some guidance for you, along with some rules that must be followed.
To ensure that everything is done correctly and to avoid any potential issues, please be aware of the following key points:
Under no circumstances should any society member or leader sign a contract with a venue. Only the Students’ Union can sign contracts, and this will only happen after we have reviewed the contract and are satisfied with its terms.
If you are considering a ball or end of year party please reply to this email. Let us know what society or community you are part of. We may be able to negotiate you a better deal acting as the Students’ Union than you could as an individual Society or Community.
If you’re planning a ball or end of year party arrange an event date, as well as a contract signing date with the venue. Set your contracting signing date so you can sell enough tickets beforehand to at least cover the deposit. Preferably all events costs will be covered by ticket sales before a contract is signed. Once these dates have been agreed with the venue, the Students' Union will review and sign the contract.
All ticket sales must be carried out via the Students’ Union website. Contact the Community Organising team for support setting this up.
Please be conservative about the number of tickets you think you will sell. Hotel and other venue cancellation policies can be very strict. It’s much easier to add additional people if needed later.
If your society fails to sell enough tickets after a contract is signed, the society will be liable for the payment. This will come from your societies deposit account. If the society's account does not have sufficient funds, the society will have a negative balance and an action plan for the society will need to be put in place.
Please ensure that all members of your society are aware of these guidelines. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Student Communities or Societies holding events/activities that require a space booking or require funding from the SU or require a unique risk assessment or include an external speaker will need to complete the Student Activities Booking Form at least 15 working days prior to the date of your event/activity
Student Activities Booking Form
Documentation referred to in the Student Activities Booking Form
Some activities are considered to be part of LBSU's Standard Operating Procedures and do not require a unique risk assessment to be submitted. This document provides a brief overview to help you decide whether you need to submit a unique risk assessment.
Activities requiring a unique risk assessment
The following information sheet will help you to answer the questions when submitting your risk assessment
Risk Assessment Information Sheet
The following checklist will help you to check your electrical equipment for defects
Electrical Equipment Visual User Checklist
The following provides a list of equipment available to use in Students' Union spaces
Equipment Available in SU Spaces
External Speaker Terms & Conditions
External Speaker Terms & Conditions
Student Community Development Fund Guidelines
Student Community Development Fund Guidelines