The need to increase the availability of accessible part-time work opportunities is a really clear priority for students at Leeds Beckett. In our Big Student Survey, 76.07% of students said that they think finding part-time work while studying is of high importance, with 92.77% of students believing it to be of importance generally.

The Part-time Work Campaign has a focus on increasing the amount of support available to students who are applying for work, as well as working with employers in the city to help create more opportunities to support students further their careers and earn a living while they are studying. This includes finding tailored support for students who are working in specialist subjects who would like to find opportunities related to their chosen field.

For international students, who often have a 20-hour limit on the number of hours they can work in a week due to visa restrictions, this is particularly important as they have spoken about the challenges they face finding employment that will fit within their working limit that would also allow them to earn enough to support themselves.

The Part-time Work Campaign is working with different student services to explore options for support finding job opportunities and is also working with other organisations in Leeds to expand opportunities more widely and raise awareness of students’ experiences accessing work.