This year, LBSU introduced our Core Communities that run along recreational societies. Our communities serve to bring students together around three key areas:

  • Academic: Communities organised around subject and course groups, and modes of study
  • Equality & Liberation: Communities organised around groups of students who are historically underrepresented in Higher Eduction
  • Nation & Faith: Communities organised around students' cultural idenities, nationalities, and religion.

From our listening work in semester one, we know that there are key communities who struggle with a sense of belonging, including commuter and distance learning students. We are also aware of a disparity in experiences between those who study at Headingly Campus compared to those who study at City Campus. 

This campaign aims to bring students together to organise around how students can be a part of the communities they identify with whislt also supporting the development of other student groups.

The campaign will also seek to work with the university in the development of consideration given to the provision of informal study and social spaces.