Leeds Beckett Students’ Union doesn’t provide specialist wellbeing or mental health support.

If you do find yourself needing urgent or specialist mental health support during your time at university, the following services are available:

In an emergency, if your life or someone else’s is in immediate danger, please call 999.

  • If you feel you need to speak to someone urgently and are concerned about your health or wellbeing, it is important that you contact your GP or NHS 111 for advice. You can also use this NHS triage service to seek support and advice https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/mental-health/find-an-urgent-mental-health-helpline

  • For 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Support call NHS 111 and select the mental health option. More information on this service and other emotional support services here: Need help now - Leeds Mind

  • Student Space is available 24 hours, every day and offers telephone, web chat, email, and text-based support. Their site also has helpful resources for students: https://studentspace.org.uk/

The University also lists a range support. For more information, please visit:https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/student-information/student-wellbeing/get-urgent-support/